Thanks to generous funding from Stevenage Borough Council Crossroads Care Hertfordshire North are running exciting activity sessions at their Day Centre in Stevenage every Monday.
Crossroads Care are the leading provider of breaks for carers and the people they care for in Hertfordshire and provide flexible packages of help and support to carers and their families in the home.
Crossroads Care provides the carer with a break away from their caring responsibilities, giving them time to themselves.
The latest activity involved 15 carers taking part in two art workshops run by Zinc Arts who are a community arts organisation with over 20 years experience of running participatory art projects in local communities.
A community artist worked with the group of Carers to produce two large canvases using acrylic paints. The group had no real art skills or experience -it was about enjoying some time out and being creative. The resulting work is really impressive and will be used by Crossroads as a backdrop to their events during National Carers Week in June.
The feedback was very positive and Sheelagh Taylor, CEO of Crossroads Care said ‘We are grateful to Zinc Arts for working with the Carers. The results are really impressive and the feedback is very positive. Clearly the Carers enjoyed the workshops and we now have two excellent pieces of Art to display at events”.
Lixi Chivas, Project Worker for Zinc Arts said “Paul the artist and I were delighted with the enthusiasm from the Carers and the results are fantastic. It was great working with the group”
If you feel this group may benefit someone you know then please call Crossroads Care on 01462 455578.