New Programme of Learning

Crossroads Care Hertfordshire North will be offering learning sessions for 200 carers and support workers in the New Year thanks to a successful funding bid through HAFLS the Hertfordshire Adult and Family Learning Service who provide learning in the community. This was a partnership bid with the Community Development Agency for Hertfordshire (CDA). The programme of learning will be run by CDA and delivered by skilled tutors.

A range of paper based crafts and activities will be on offer to the learners including paper weaving, quilling – using paper spirals to create pictures – and greeting card making. Crossroads Care support workers will learn how to create Life Story memory books. This will enable them to work with clients who are suffering with dementia to capture memories and enhance the care they can provide to their carers, family and friends.

The programme is being developed and will be delivered at local venues in early 2014.

Kate Belinis, Chief Executive of CDA Herts said “We are delighted to be in partnership with Crossroads Care to deliver some exciting courses for the wonderful carers. The learning programme of activities including paper arts and crafts is for people in our community who are involved in providing much needed breaks for carers. We are very excited about the project and grateful for the funding from HAFLS.”

If you are a carer and want to find out more and sign up for one of the sessions that will be free of charge please call Jo Wilkinson on 01462 427010 or email