Stevenage MP enjoys morning coffee with carers

Stephen McPartland MP brought a smile to the faces of carers on a cold Monday morning recently when he visited carers at the Carers’ Café in Stevenage.

A huge supporter of Crossroads Care and the work that they do for unpaid family Carers, Stephen McPartland, spent the morning having coffee with Carers at the Day Centre in Stevenage. He talked about his life as an MP working in Westminster and shared some amusing and interesting stories. As a group, and individually, carers and volunteers talked to him about the pleasure that they get from attending the Café every week and socialising and supporting each other.

Marion Coleman, a carer until recently, who was looking after her husband Fred until he sadly passed away before Christmas still attends the group and said to Stephen “coming to the Carers Café gives me something to look forward to on what can sometimes be a lonely Sunday evening. I really enjoy the group and have made many new friends.”

Commenting on the visit Stephen McPartland MP said “It is always a pleasure to spend time with carers and listen to their experiences. It is clear the charity is going from strength to strength when you hear their latest developments for carers and the work the charity has planned. I am delighted to have the opportunity to be involved in a range of activities to help raise awareness of the fantastic job unpaid family carers do on a day to day basis.”

If you want to find out more about the Carers’ Café in Stevenage and their busy schedule of activities then please call Jo Wilkinson on 01462 455578.